EOLSS Participants


Nachtergaele, Freddy Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
The FAO Guidelines for Land Evaluation
Agro-Ecological Zones Assessments
Nadasy, Gyorgy Semmelweis University, Hungary
Arterial Blood Supply and Tissue Needs
Nafalski, Andrew University of South Australia, Australia
Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Techniques
Nafziger, Emerson D. University of Illinois, USA
Growth and Production of Maize: Mechanized Cultivation
Nagai, Takao Komatsu Ltd., Japan
Surface Mining Transportation Systems
Nagame, Yuichiro Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
Production And Chemistry Of Transactinide Elements
Nagarajaiah, Satish Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Base Isolated Structures: An Overview
Nagelkerken, I. University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Types of River Ecosystems
Nagurney, Anna University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Mathematical Models of Transportation and Networks
Nagy, Sandor Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry
Subatomic Particles, Nuclear Structure and Stability
Naidu, Ravendra Cooperative Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment, Australia
Stormwater treatment technologies
Naik, H.R. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology-Kashmir, India
Fenugreek Nutraceutical Properties and Utilization in Various Food Products
Nair, P. K. Ramachandran University of Florida, USA
Agroforestry:Integrating Trees with Crop-and-Livestock-Production Systems
Najar, Taha National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, Tunisia
Phytochemistry of Opuntia Ficus - Indica, Antioxidants and Nutritional Value
Nakamura, Eiichi Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan
Wastewater Management Engineering
Nakamura, Fumihiko Yokohama National University, Japan
Transportation Engineering
Nakamura, Izumi Kyoto University, Japan
Schooling Finfish: an Overview of the Tunas, Billfishes and Sharks
Nakamuro, Katsuhiko Setsunan University, Japan
Urban Water Pollution
Industrial Water Pollution
Nakata, T. Tohoku University, Japan
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on Energy
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on the Coal Industry
Nakata, T. Tohoku University, Japan
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on the Petroleum Industry
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on Nuclear Industry
Nakayama, M. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Environmental and Social Impacts of Reservoirs: Issues and Mitigation
Namazi, Siamak Atieh Bahar Consulting, Iran
Decentralization and Sustainable Human Development: An Analysis of Local and Municipal Councils in Iran
Namkoong, Gene University of British Columbia, USA
Conservation and Breeding of Forest Trees
Nance, R.D. Ohio University, USA
Earth System: Structure, Dynamics, and Materials
Metamorphic Rocks
Mass and Energy: Interactions of the Earth System
History of the Earth
The Geosphere
Nandi, Dilip Kumar Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College (Autonomous), West Bengal, India
Terminalia Arjuna: a Potential Source of Nutraceuticals cum Therapeutic Agent
Nap, Jan-Peter Plant Research International, The Netherlands
Biotechnology and Agrobiodiversity
Napalkov, Nikolai P. Petrov Institute of Oncology, Russia
Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases
Naqvi, Syed Nawab Haider Federal University of Arts, Pakistan
Globalization and Human Development: An Overview
Narendra, Kumpati S. Yale University, USA
Adaptive Control
Narhi, Matti V.O. University of Kuopio, Finland
Pain and Protective Reflexes
Narrod, Clare United States Department of Agriculture, USA
International Policies to Control Plant and Animal Diseases
Narsimhan, Ganesan Purdue University, USA
Surface Phenomena
Nas, Peter J.M. University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Social Development Trends
Social Ecology in Urban Setting
Urban-Rural Dimensions of Social Development
Nascimento, Andre RosalvoTerra Universidade Federal de Ubrelandia(UFU), Brazil
Seasonally Dry Deciduous Forests:Diversity and Soils in Arboreal Communities
Plant Strategies for Seed Dispersal in Tropical Habitats: Patterns and Implications
Nascimento, M.T. Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense, Brazil
Rain Forests:Floristics
Naseem, Anwar Michigan State University, USA
Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa: Types and Amounts>
Nash, Donald J. Colorado State University, USA
Life on Earth
Nash, Philip Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Phase Equilibria and Microstructure
Nash, Stephen E. Department of Anthropology, USA
The History of Archaeology
Nasonova, O.N. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Models of Vertical Energy and Water Transfer within the “Soil -Vegetation -Atmosphere” System
Nassaney, Michael S. Western Michigan University, USA
Social Archaeology
Nasserzadeh, V. University of Sheffield, UK
Solid Wastes for Power Generation
Nasson, William Richard University of Cape Town, South Africa
History: The Meaning and Role of History in Human Development
Natal'in, Boris A. Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Geology of Asia
Nath, Bhaskar European Centre for Pollution Research (ECPR), UK
Pollution Control Technologies
Environmental Education and Awareness
Formal Environmental Education at Preschool, Primary and Secondary Levels
Importance of Teaching Environmental Education at an Early Age
Environmental Curricula Development for Each Age Group
Methods of Environmental Teaching and Learning
Participation in Common Environmental Activities in and Out of School
Formal Environmental Education at the Undergraduate Level
Curricula Development For Undergraduate University Students
Instilling Environmental Awareness in Undergraduate University Students
Some Pressing Global Environmental Problems of Our Time and Strategies For Mitigating Their Impacts
Formal Environmental Education at the Graduate Level
Curricula Development for Graduate Students
Need for Environmental Research
Natural History Films
Professional Environmental Education
Continuing Education for Decision-Makers including Politicians, Senior Government Officials and Chief Executives in Industry
Mechanisms for the Continuing Education of the Public
Informal Mechanisms For Raising Public Awareness At National And Global Levels And Important Related Issues
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
Environmental Liaison Centre International
NGOs For The Conservation Of Africa’s Wildlife And Their Habitats
Environmental Regulations and Standard Setting
Air, Water and Soil Pollution and Modelling: The Problem in Context
Transport of Man-Made Pollutants in the Environment and their Fate
Soil Pollution: Causes, Effects, Remediation and Mathematical Modelling
Nathan, Peter E. University of Iowa, USA
Clinical Psychology: A National Perspective on Origins, Contemporary Practice, and Future Prospects
Natishvili, Otari G. Georgian Academy of Sciences, Georgia
Debris Flows and Anti-Debris-Flow Measures
Navabi, Mohammad Jafar Medtronic Microelectronic Center, USA
Navarro Raúl, Béjar Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, México
Peace Education and Teaching
Navarro, Jose Luis Technical University of Valencia (UPV), Spain
Microbial Dynamic Transformation
Navarro-Gonzalez, Rafael Institute of Nuclear Sciences, UNAM, Mexico
Navazio, John P. Alf. Christianson Seed Co., USA
Classical Breeding to Improve Vegetable Vitamin and Provitamin Content
Navratil, Tom Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Trace Elements and Contaminants
Nayak, Jayanta Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Simulation Of Solar Thermal Power Plants
Nayel Barakat, Hala University of Cairo, Egypt
Arid Lands: Challenges and Hopes
Nazaryenko, V. M. Training State University, Russia
Ways of Including Environmental Educational Programs in Secondary School Schedule
Neack, Laura Miami-Ohio University, USA
The National Dimension of Global Security
Neal, William J. Grand Valley State University, USA
Coastal Erosion
Neale, David P. British Energy Ltd, UK
Defects Introduced into Metals During Fabrication and Service
Neale, Michael A. England, UK
Neall, Vincent Ernest Massey University, New Zealand
Volcanic Soils
Nef, Jorge University of Chile, Chile
Human Security:Perspectives for Human Resources and Policy Management
Negash, Ezana Embaye Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Maps) - Eritrea
Negretti de Bratter, Virginia E. Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Germany
Global Prevalence of Micronutrient Malnutrition and Impacts on the Health of Children
Nehnevajova, Erika University of Berlin, Switzerland
Plant Growth Control: Biological, Chemical, Physical And Post-Harvest Parameters
Neilson, Alasdair H. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd., Sweden
Chemistry of Organic Pollutants
Neimeier, R. University of Bremen, Germany
Programmable Logic Controllers
Nekrasov, Alexei V. Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Russia
Ocean-Land Interaction in Coastal Zones and Effect of Ocean-Level Change
Nel, Louis H. University of Pretoria, South Africa
New and Emerging Waterborne Infectious Diseases
Nelde, Peter Research Center on Multilingualism, Brussels, Belgium
Multilingualism and Language Planning
Neller, Anne H. University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Environment Well-Being and Human Well-Being
Neller, Ronald J. University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Environment Well-Being and Human Well-Being
Nelles, Wayne University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada
Consequences of Market Change for Human Development and Global Life Support Systems
Nelson, Judith Grummon National Center for Nonprofit Boards, USA
Developing an Effective Role for INGOs in Democratic Global Governance
Nemeth, Eva Szent Istvan University, Hungary
Medicinal Plants
Nemeth, Zoltan University of Pannonia, Hungary
Radiochemical Techniques
Nemetz, Tibor Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Information Theory and Communication
Nenci, Anna Maria University of Cagliari, Italy
Ecological Psychology
Nener, Brett D. University of Western Australia, Australia
Materials and Components in Electrical Engineering
Nerem, Robert M. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Tissue Engineering
Nesterenko, Valeri G. Moscow Aviation Institute (Engineering University), Russia
Noise Problems
Reduction Gears
Lubrication Systems
Nethersole, Reingard University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hermeneutics Need and the Inevitability of Comparing
Neubauer, Franz University of Salzburg, Austria
Geology of Europe
Neun, Stephen P. Syracuse University, USA
Sources of Health Care Funding Throughout the Globe
Neveu, Andre INRA, France
Edible Frogs
New, Michael Bernard World Aquaculture Society, UK
Present and Future Trends in Freshwater and Marine Aquaculture Production Systems
Newell, William H. Miami University, USA
Complexity and Interdiciplinarity
Newland, Chester A. University of Southern California, USA
Governance, Facilitative States and Twenty-First Century Public Administration
Newman, David National Cancer Institute, USA
Plants as a Source of Anti-Cancer Agents
Natural Products as Sources of Antitumor Agents
Newman, Peter Murdoch University, Australia
Transport and Energy
Newman, Robert Lauri York Centre for Applied Sustainability, Canada
Beyond Brundtland: The Evolution of Sustainable Development in the 1990s
Newton, Michael A. University of Wisconsin, USA
Statistical Methods in Laboratory and Basic Science Research
Nezlek, John B. College of William and Mary, USA
Social Psychological Perspectives on Human Development
Ng, Ka Ming Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Product Centered Process Design
Ng, Yew-Kwang Monash University, Australia
Welfare Economics and Sustainable Development
Ngai, James Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Key Issues in Combating the Digital Divide
Ngaido, Tidiane International Food Policy Research Institute, USA
Integrated Rangeland Management Systems
Ngo, Huu-Hao University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Advanced Treatment Technologies for Recycle/Reuse of Domestic Wastewater
Raw Materials and Process Chemical Recovery in Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control
Quantity and Quality of Drinking Water Supplies
Conventional Water Treatment Technologies
Applied technologies in municipal solid waste land fill leachate treatment
Assessment methodologies for water reuse scheme and technology
Specific options in biological wastewater treatment for reclamation and reuse
Ni, I-Hsun Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Protection of Oceans and their Living Resources-China
Nicolaus, Marcel Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany
Field Techniques In Sea-Ice Research
Nicholas, Ashley University of Durban-Westville, South Africa
Systematic Botany
Nichols, Kenneth L. University of Maine, USA
Technology Transfer and Diffusion
Nichols, R.A.B. Stobhill Hospital, UK
Case Study of Health Effects of Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water
Nickel, Klaus G. University of Tubingen, Germany
Applied Mineralogy and the Industrial Use of Minerals
Nickum, James E. Tokyo Jogakkan College, Japan
Water and Sustainability in Asian Megalopolises: The Case of Beijing
Nicol, Dianne University of Tasmania, Australia
The Impact of Patents on Medical Biotechnology
Nicolaï, Isabelle Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France
Science and Technology Development Information and Knowledge
International Competitiveness and Sustainable Development
Nicotra, Francesco University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Organic and Bio-molecular Chemistry
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Nielsen, Jane University of Tasmania, Australia
The Impact of Patents on Medical Biotechnology
Nielsen, Kai Concordia University, Canada
The Global Crisis of Values: The Poverty of Moral Philosophy
Nielsen, N.Ole University of Guelph, Canada
Veterinary Medicine
Nielsen, Ole John University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming
Niemantsverdriet, Hans Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Catalysis and Surface Science
Niemi, Jarmo University of Turku, Finland
Enzymes: The Biological Catalysts of Life
Nieto-Jacobo, M.F. Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N (CINVESTAV), México
Molecular Genetic Approaches to Improve the Nutritional Quality of Staple Food Crops
Nieuwenhuys, B.E. Leiden University, The Netherlands
Catalysis and Surface Science
Nieuwenhuysen, Paul Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Finding Information
Making Information Available
Nihoul, Jacques C.J. University of Liege, Belgium
Seawater Properties, Water Masses, and Global Scale Currents
Air-Sea Interactions
Modeling the Ocean System from a Sustainable Development Perspective
Nested Interdisciplinary Three-Dimensional Models of the Marine System
Niikawa, Tatsuro Doshisha University, Japan
Decentralization and Local Politics
Nijkamp, Peter Free University, The Netherlands
Mathematical Models in Regional Economics
Perspectives on Sustainable Transport
Sustainable Mobility
Nijmeijer, Henk Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Passivity Based Control
Controllability and Observability of Nonlinear Systems
Nik Mahmod, Nik Ahmad Kamal B. International Islamic University, Malaysia
Labour Law an Human Rights
Nikanorov, Anatoly Maximovich Hydrochemical Institute of the Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Natural Environment, Russia
Water Chemical Composition Of Rivers, Lakes And Wetlands
Variation in the Chemical Composition of Rivers, Lakes and Wetlands
Nikita Nikolayevich, Lipatov Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Russia
Mothers Milk Substitutes and Infant Human Health
Nikolaev, Alex V. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Induced Seismicity
Nikolskii-Gavrilov, Iourii Post Graduate College in Agricultural Science, México
Distribution of Irrigated Lands and Water Consumption
Techniques and Technologies of Land Drainage Systems
Nikonorova, E.V. Russian Academy for Public Administration under the Russian Federation President, Russia
Global Action for Women Towards Sustainable and Equitable Development
Nikulin, Mikhail S. University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, France
Statistical Testing of Hypotheses
Niles, John S. Global Telematics, USA
Telecommuications Substitution for Transportation
Nimis, Paolo Università di Padova, Italy
Diamonds, Kimberlites and Lamproites
Nimis, Pier Luigi University of Trieste, Italy
Ninomiya, Kazunori SI Seiko CO., Ltd., Japan
Data Assimilation Systems
Ninomiya, Yoshihiko Chubu University, Japan
Clean Coal Technology
Niranjan, K. University of Reading, UK
Food Mixing
Nisbet, Jane A. University of New Hampshire, USA
Education of Students with Disabilities
Nishida, Tom National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Japan
Schooling Finfish: an Overview of the Tunas, Billfishes and Sharks
Nishida, Yasuyoshi Nagoya University, Japan
Molecular Genetics of Inherited Disorders
Nishigori, Chikako Kobe University, Japan
Nishiki, Issei University of Miyazaki, Japan
Diseases Caused By Bacterial Pathogens In Saltwater
Nishimatsu, Yuichi Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd., Japan
Mining Engineering and Mineral Transportation
Nishimura, Yoshiki University of Tokyo, Japan
Non-Mendelian Inheritance
Nishino, Toshiaki Takasaki City University of Economics of Takasaki Muncipa, Japan
Forestry Principles in Japan
Nishinomiya, Shaw Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on Energy
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on the Natural Gas Industry
Impacts of Environmental Concerns on Hydropower Systems
Nishiyama, Takashi Kyoto University, Japan
Mining and Exploration for Mineral Resources
Nissalke, Jr., Thomas E. Hartsfield International Airport, USA
The Air Transportation System in the 21ST Century
Nissley, Nick University of St. Thomas, USA
Human Resource Development and Environmental Change
Nthunya, Lebea N. Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Wetting Phenomena in Membrane Distillation for Seawater Desalination
Nitta, Yoshitaka Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan
The Interaction of Energy Systems with Other Life Supporting Systems
Energy Impact on the Environment -Global Warming, Air Pollution and Acid Rain
Life Cycle Analysis of Energy Systems
Environmental Impact of the Coal Industry
Petroleum and Natural Gas
Impacts on the Environment of Hydropower Cycle for Production of Electricity
Environmental Impacts of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle for Production of Electricity and Heat
Impacts on the Environment of the Wood, the Peat, the Oil Shale and the Tar Sand
Impacts on the Environment of the Geothermal, the Solar and the Wind Energy Cycles
Impacts of the on the Environment of Waste Incineration
Sustainable Energy Development and the Environment
Niu, Junfeng Tsinghua University, China
Environmental Pollutants and Their Control
Industrial Chemicals
Agricultural Chemicals
Economics, Social, Legal and Health Implications
Nizamuddin, Mohammad University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Demography of Aging
Njiru, Murithi Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Moi University, Kenya
Limnology and Ecological Changes in Lake Victoria
Nkemdirim, Lawrence C. University of Calgary, Canada
Canada and the United States of America: Overview of the Physical and Human Dimensions of Life Support Systems
Deforestation in North America: Past, Present and Future
Protection of Fresh Water Resources - Canada and the United States of America
Noble, Marlene A. U.S. Geological Survey, USA
Processes that Shape the Surface of Earth
Nolan, James University of Saskatchewan, Canada
History of Goods Transportation
Nolan, Justin Murphy University of Arkanas, USA
Cognitive Ethnobiology
Nolan, Riall Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A.
Applied And Practicing Anthropology
Nollau, Volker Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Correlation Analysis
Regression Analysis
Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Covariance
Noonan, Jeffery University of Windsor, Canada
The Embodied Good Life: From Aristotle to Adorn,Sen and Life-Ground Ethics
Philosophy, Human Nature, and Society
Human Nature From a Life-Grounded Perspective
Life-Blind Liberalism and Life-Grounded Democracy
Environmental Philosophy and its Onto-ethical Problems: Ancient, Medieval and Contemporary World-views
Human Rights and Global Life-Support Systems
Nordbruch, Stefan University Of Bremen, Germany
Nordholm, Sven Erik Western Australian Telecommunications Research Institute, Australia
Modulation and Detection
Nordone, Adrian J. Procter and Gamble Technical Centres Limited, UK
Integrated Waste Management
Noren, Nils Olle Swedish Institute of Agricultural Engineering (JTI), Sweden
Maintaining Working Conditions and Operation of Machinery
Nørgård, Jorgen S. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Energy Savings Through Changes in Lifestyles and Economics
Nortcliff, Stephen University of Reading, UK
Soils of Cold and Temperate Regions
North, Gerald R. Texas A & M University, USA
Mathematical Models of Climate
Northrop-Clewes, Christine A. University of Ulster, UK
Global Importance of Vitamin A Deficiency in Humans and its Relationship to Malnutrition
Northrup, David Boston College, USA
Globalization in Historical Perspective
Norton, John P. University of Birmingham, UK
Linear-Model Case
Noskov, Mikhail V. Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Russia
Numerical Integration
Nossal, Gustav University of Melbourne, Australia
Immunization and Children's Health
Noth, Winfreid Universitat Kassel, Germany
Literature and the other Arts: The Point of View of Semiotics
Nott, Michael RMIT University, Australia
Drugs on Skeletal Muscle
Novak, Milan Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Novak, Susan University of Alberta, Canada
Monogastric Nutrition
Monogastric Nutrition: Horses
Novaky, Bela Godollo Agricultural University, Hungary
Effects of Global Warming on Water Resources and Supplies
Novikov, D.A. Institute of Control Sciences, Russia
Modeling of Organizations
Novikov, Evgeni A. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems
Novikova, A.F. V.V.Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Russia
Chemical Amelioration of Soils
Novitsky, Eduard G. Institute of Chemical Machinery Industry "NIICHIMMASH", Russia
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Novotny, Anthony J. Marikna International, USA
Coldwater Fish: Whitefish and Smelt
Novotny, Oldrich Charles University, Czech Republic
Foundations of Geophysics and Geochemistry
Nowak, David J. USDA Forest Service, USA
Urban Forestry
Nozhin, Evgeni A. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Social and Cultural Issues of Education
Nunez, Brian S. The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Molecular Aspects of Steroid Action in marine fishes
Nuortila-Jokinen, Jutta Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Fresh Water Minimization by Membrane Filtration in the Pulp and Paper Industry
Nurse, Robert E. Cornell University, USA
Pest Control: Herbaceous Weeds
Nyamwey, Chrisphine Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kisumu, Kenya
Limnology and Ecological Changes in Lake Victoria
Nyarko, Yaw New York University, USA
The New Growth Theory
Nyberg, J. Brian British Columbia Forest Service, Canada
Adaptive Management: Strategies for Coping with Change and Uncertainty
Nyerges, Timothy University of Washington, USA
Introduction to Spatial Decision Support Systems
Nys, Herman Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
The Status of the Extracorporal Embryo [Stem Cells]