Economics of Peace and Security

Edited by : James K. Galbraith,

Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, Senior Scholar at Jerome Levy Economics Institute and Chair of Economics Allied for Arms Reduction, USA

Jurgen Brauer,

Augusta State University, USA

Lucy L. Webster,

Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR), USA;

The Evolving Economics of War and Peace

K. Galbraith, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, Senior Scholar at Jerome Levy Economics Institute and Chair of Economics Allied for Arms Reduction, USA

The Economics of Peace and Security

War, Peace and Economists

Fanny Coulomb, Universite Pierre Mendes France of Grenoble, C.E.D.S.I., Espace Europe, France
Jacques Fontanel, Faculte des Sciences Economiques, Universite Pierre Mendes France of Grenoble, Scientific Director of Espace Europe, France

Economics of of Military Expenditures

Lucy L. Webster, Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR), USA

Determinants of Military Expenditure

Ron P. Smith, Department of Economics, Birkbeck College, UK

The Defense Budget Process

Richard F. Kaufman, Bethesda Research Center, USA

Military Procurement and Technological Change

Gregory Hooks, Department of Sociology, Washington State University, USA

The Concept of a Peace Dividend

Michael D. Intriligator, Department of Economics, University of California, USA

Patterns of Military Spending after the Cold War

Sanjeev Gupta, Expenditure Policy Division, 3-700, Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund(IMF), USA

The Fate of the State

William S. Lind, Center for Cultural Conservatism, The Free Congress Foundation, USA

Economics of Peace Processes

Lucy L. Webster, Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR), USA

The Effect of Ending Hostilities on Output and Employment

Paul Davidson, University of Tennessee, USA

Economic Dimensions of Peace Agreements

J. Grussendorf, University of Texas at Austin, USA
L.R. Kurtz, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Economic Conversion, Demobilization and Reintegration

Lloyd J. Dumas, School of Social Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Building Institutions for Peacemaking and Peacekeeping

Jurgen Brauer, Augusta State University, USA
Dietrich Fischer, Pace University, USA

Peace-Keeping Operations

Lawrence R. Klein, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Economics as an Instrument of Peace or Cause of War

R. Rotte, Political Science and International Relations, University of Technology Aachen, Germany

Economics of Global Threats

Lucy L. Webster, Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR), USA

The Logic Threat and Deterrence Today

J. Steinbruner, School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland, USA

The Economics of Chemical and Biological Weapons

Carlos Seiglie, Rutgers University, USA
Mayeul Kauffmann, Université Pierre Mendes France, France

Global and Regional Security Alliances

Carlos Seiglie, Rutgers University, USA
Sylvie Matelly, Universite Pierre Mendes, France

Economics of Arms and Development

Lucy L. Webster, Economists Allied for Arms Reduction (ECAAR), USA

The Military Dimension of North-South Trade

D. Kiefer, University of Utah, USA

The Effects of Arms Races on War and Development

G. Harris, University of Natal, South Africa

Arms Industry and the Globalization Process

Keith Hartley, Centre foe Defence Economics, University of York, UK

Microeconomics: Past, Present, and Future

Humberto Barreto, Elizabeth P. Allen Distinguished University Professor, Department of Economics and Management, DePauw University, Indiana, USA