Relevant Historical Dates On Sport Science, Physical Education And Health
Health through Movement – A Holistic Approach
Present Knowledge of Health and Human Movement
Interdisciplinary Approaches In Sport Science And Physical Education
Movement and Accompanying Emotions
Development of the Science of Kinesiology and Its Creators (Figure 1-6)
Movement in Textbooks of Kinesiology
Kinesiology - Science with Many Names
Kinesiology - Rebirth in the Best Time?
Anabolic Steroids: Historical Perspective
Anabolic Steroids and Performance
Comparative Physical Education and Sport
The International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport - ISCPES
Comparative Study in the Global World and International Development
A Historical Approach towards Physical Education
Physical Education Curricula and PE in Schools
Teaching and Physical Education Teaching
People First Terminology = Sensitive Terminology
The Concept of Adapted Physical Activity
Extrinsic Factors Influencing Health and Fitness
Historical Overview of Leisure and Tourism around the World
Challenges and Trends for the 21st Century in Leisure and Tourism
Effects of Aging and Exercise on Aerobic Fitness
Effects of Aging and Exercise on Cardiovascular Function
Effects of Aging and Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Mass and Function
New Realms of Agency: The Impact of Sport Interventions
Integrating a Gender Perspective
Bridges to Understanding: Sport Activists
Concluding Remarks – Recommendations: An All-Encompassing Hub of Information for Peace
Doing Sports and Exercise: Meanings and Feelings
Sport and Exercise as a Complex Social and Psychological Phenomenon
Conceptual Framework in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Competition, Intensity, and Motivation
Mental Techniques for the Improvement of Performance
Starting, Adopting, and Maintaining Exercise Habits: Theoretical Approaches and Motivational Factors
Sport and Exercise as Means for Community Building and Community Organization
Sustainable Development and Culture of Peace
A Role of Sport in Promotion of Values of Sustainable Development and Culture of Peace
General Aesthetics and Other Aesthetic Disciplines
Subject and Tasks of Aesthetics of Sport
Factors of Appearance and Development of Aesthetics of Sport
Methodology of Sports Adaptology
Models Of Systems And Organs Of The Organism Of An Athlete
Reaction of the Organism of an Athlete to Exercises of Different Intensity
The Most Prevalent Diseases And Traumas In Sport
Organization of Kinesitherapy of Sportspersons
Special Features of Kinesitherapy of Sportspersons with Traumas of Locomotor Apparatus (LA)
Biomechanical Foundations of Learning for Sport Exercises
Methodology of Learning for Sport Exercises
Contradictions in Formation and Perfection of Movement
Artificial controlling environment
From artificially created conditions of training to natural conditions of real competitions
Implementation of didactic principles in conditions of artificial controlling environment
Modification of Constructive Solutions
Modification of Loading Methods
Adoption of Controlled Power Drives
Appearance of Measurement Instrumentation
International Policy Documents
International Organizations Promoting Sport for All
Important Target Groups of Sport for All
Sport for All around the World
The Basic Approaches to Evaluation of Humanistic Significance of Children’s Sport
The General Concept of Single Combats (Martial Arts)
Single Combats as a Developing Social Institution
Swimming in the Olympic Program and Its Interconnection with Other Kinds of Sport
Foundations of Swimming (Buoyancy, Equilibrium, Water Resistance)
Basic Means and Methods of Training
Swimming Pools, Equipment and Appliances
The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)
Collective Intelligence (Methodology)
Cultural Genesis of Mind Games
Sports economics: the economic determinants and Impact of Sport Activities
Pharmacological Activity of Flaxseed and Its Components
Flaxseed and Its Components on the Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis Development
Flaxseed and Its Components on Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis
Historical Background Leading to Current Randomized Studies
Randomized Clinical Trials examining Carotid Endarterectomy
Carotid Endarterectomy – Surgical Technique
Trials comparing Carotid Artery Stenting with Carotid Endarterectomy
Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Open Arterial Access Technique
Endovascular Repair of Proximal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Iliac Conduit for EVAR for Severe Occlusive Disease at the External Iliac Arteries
Non-Resective Repair of AAA (Hacker et al 2011)
DREAM Trial (Prinssen et al 2004)
DREAM Follow-Up (Blakensteijn et al 2005)
Dream Update (De Bruin et al 2010)
EVAR 1 Trial (Greenhalgh et al 2004)
EVAR 1 Trial Follow-Up (Greenhalgh et al 2005)
EVAR 1 Long-Term Results (Greenhalgh et al 2010)
EVAR 2 Trial (EVAR trial participants. 2007)
Eurostar Registry (Harris et al 2000; Laheij et al 2000)
Current FDA-Approved Endografts for AAA:
Anatomy of the Obstructing Site
General Management of Upper and Lower Extremity Arterial Injuries
Surgical Management of Arterial Injuries
Medical Management of Arterial Injuries
Associated Orthopedic Injuries
Upper Extremity Nerve Injuries
Permanent Larger Embolic Agents
Evolution of Endovascular Technology
Aortic Pathology Treated with Endovascular Grafting
Operative Strategies for Endovascular Grafting
Introduction to Gut Microbiota, Probiotics and Prebiotics
Omics Analysis in Microbial Biology
Genomics of Human Gut Commensals, a Focus on Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli
Proteomics of the Interaction between Probiotics and the Human Host
Metabolomics and the Interaction between the Gut Microbiota and Host Metabolism
Functional Nutrition: Concept and objectives
Main categories of functional food ingredients
Gut Microbiota: composition, main functions, and the host-microbe cross-talk
Probiotic bacteria and prebiotics are crucially important categories of functional food ingredients
Mechanisms and sites of probiotic health-promoting action
Personalized Nutrition: State-of the art
Prospective scientific and applied researches in the functional foods and probiotics
Introduction to Mycoplasmology
Clinical Manifestations of Mycoplasmosis
Bacterial Morphology and the Cell Envelope
Bacterial Cell Surface Appendages
Bacterial Growth and Nutrition
History of Human Parasites and Paleoparasitology
Immunoparasitology and Immunomodulation
Microbial Glycan Containing Macromolecules
The Processes of Glycan Synthesis And Assembly.
Modern Medical Practices : A Commentary
Medical Practices In Economically Developed Countries
General medical practice and training of medical students
Laboratory investigations, medical malpractice and cost of health care delivery
Patients' Expectations, The 'Magic Pill Syndrome' and Lifestyle-Inflicted Illnesses
Prevention and the general practitioner
Modern medical practice and unconventional therapies
Politicians and medical practice
Modern medical practice and the pharmaceutical industry
Medical Practice In Underprivileged And Developing Countries
The task of Public Health and its development
Actual problems of the modern health care systems
The response of the modern Public Health
Shifting focus of Public Health
Principal areas of Public Health
Concluding remarks on the health of populations and the role of Public Health
The Elements and Technologies of MCH
Indicators and Information Systems for Maternal and Child Health
The Organization and Management of MCH Services
Setting Policies for MCH and the Health of Women, Children and Families
Access to Health Care Services
Increased globalisation of health needs
But a powerful dynamic of divergence
The singular case of sub-Saharan Africa
Vector-borne disease in the 21st century
Vector-borne diseases and environmental change
People, vectors and landscape: A conceptual model
Remote sensing systems: A tool for studying the environment
Remote sensing and vector-borne diseases
Spatial dimension of disease transmission and Geographical Information Systems
Biological members and transmission dynamics of disease
Interconnection of wild, peridomestic and domestic cycles
Dynamic of domiciliation of the vectors: origin and diffusion of the disease
The rural housing as environmental problem
Epidemiology of Congenital heart disease
Types of adult patients with CHD
Congenital heart disease in adults – Unoperated survival
Why do we need specialized centers for the care of adults with CHD?
Diagnostic tests in gastroenterology
Pathology and its related disciplines
Pathology techniques and ancillary diagnostic methods
Types of tests used in Pathology
The scope of Pathology and its main divisions
Life cycle of the Bilharzial parasite
Pathogenesis of schistosomiasis
Clinical features of Bilharziasis due to Schistosoma mansoni infection
Hepatosplenic Bilharziasis (Bilharzial hepatic portal fibrosis)
Institution-centered Informatics
Standards in Medical Informatics
Data Security, Confidentiality and Privacy in Medical Informatics
Medical and Health Informatics Education
The Use of Computers in Health Care Is Reducing Errors and Improving Patient Safety
The Benefits of a Unified Electronic Health Record
Computer Technology in Primary Care and Chronic Disease Management
Using Communications Technology to Traverse Space at the Speed of Care
Towards a Framework for Considering HCI in Health Care
Human-Computer Interaction and the System Development Life Cycle
Examples of Emerging Technologies in Health Care User-Computer Interfaces
Conclusion - Need for Cognitive Approaches to System Design in Health Care
Background: The Origins of Clinical Informatics
The Emergence of Healthcare Information Technology and the Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Issues with Electronic Health Record Systems
Emergence of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) and On-line Clinical Guidelines
Cell Source: All Cells are not Created Equal
Ecology of Pathogenic E. coli Circulating in Humans
Pathogenic Escherichia coli Producing Biofilm
Signalling in the Gastro-intestinal Tract and Pathogenesis
E. coli Pathotypes with Atypical Combination of Virulence Factors
Classification of Pathogenic E. coli
Public Health Significance of Pathogenic E. Coli
Detection and Identification of Pathogenic E. Coli
Taxonomy and natural history of house dust mites
The common sites for house dust mites
Exposure to house dust mite allergens
Medical Conditions in the Tropics
Incidence and cost of foodborne disease
Foodborne disease incidence associated with the home
Bacterial contamination and the domestic kitchen
Consumer food preparation and consumption patterns
Mechanisms for assessing consumer food safety behavior
Consumer knowledge of food safety issues
Consumer attitudes to food safety in the home
Consumer food preparation behavior
Risks and Controls along the Food Supply Chain
Role of Food Technologies in Ensuring Food Safety
Food Safety – A Shared Responsibility
Integrated Controls from Farm-to-Fork
Responsibilities for Food Control at Government Level
Management of Official Food Controls
Laboratories, Monitoring and Surveillance
Progress in Pediatric Surgery as a Result of New Life Saving Procedures and Technologies
Surgery in Children with Coagulopathy
Coagulation and Liver Diseases
Other Advances in Bleeding Control and Hemostasis in Pediatric Surgery
Modern Liver Support or Substitution Possibilities in Children
Liver Transplantation as a Life Saving Procedure in Children with Liver Failure
Evolution of the Management of Fistulae:- The MGH Experience
Citizen’s participation in subjects of Science and Technology
The modalities and methodologies of citizen participation in R&D issues
The Citizens Consensus Conference (CCC)
Trends in health research financing
Financing for research on neglected diseases
Public-Private Interactions: new modalities for financing neglected disease research
Actions in the Central Nervous System
The Scope of Microbial Ecology
Factors Influencing the Growth and Survival of Micro organisms in Foods
Microbial Ecology of the Seas and Oceans
Microbial Ecology of Freshwater.
Microbial Ecology of Running Waters.
Microbial Ecology of Wetlands.
Microbial Ecology of Groundwater.
Microbial Ecology of Wastewater
Development, Architecture of a Mature Biofilm and Properties
Medical Significance of Microbial Biofilms Formed On Cellular Substrata and Medical Devices
Dental Biofilms and Their Implications in Human Pathology
New Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Biofilm Associated Infections
Introduction; The Early History of the Hygiene Hypothesis
The Evolutionary View of the Hygiene Hypothesis
Summary of the Current Synthesis of the "Hygiene" or "Old Friends" Hypothesis
Microorganisms Involved in the Hygiene Hypothesis
Generational Effects, Microbial Diversity and Interpretation of Epidemiology
Mechanisms of Immunoregulation by Microorganisms
Gut Flora and Immunoregulation
The Broader Clinical Implications
Clinical Trials of "Old Friends"
Oldest Written Records of Classification
Great Explorers and the Rise of Rank-Based Nomenclature
The Rise of Phylogenetics in the 20th Century and Beyond
Phylogenetics and Its Impact on Taxonomy and Nomenclature
Prelude: Aim and Scope of the Chapter
Competing Systematic Philosophies
Phylogenetic Methods and Software
Fundamental questions in EvoDevo
The Morphological Regularities Of Evolution – A.N. Sewertzoff
The Factors Of Evolution – Ivan I. Schmalhausen
Convergent Evolution Of Ideas – Schmalhausen And Waddington
Embryos, Ancestors And Heterochrony - Sir Gavin. R. Debeer
Prokaryotes: the unseen majority
The Species Concept for the Prokaryotes
Bacteria And Archaea, The Two Domains of the Prokaryotic World
The Differences Between Bacteria And Archaea
Short Introduction to Green Plants
Embryophytes - Characteristics and diversity
Tracheophytes (vascular plants)
Progymnosperm concept: the "emblematic" fossil plant Archaeopteris.
Introduction to Spiralia and Lophotrochozoa
The problematic positions of Dicyemida, Orthonectida & Chaetognatha
Introduction to MAPs (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants)
Raw Materials. Cultivating and Processing MAPs
Ethnomedicinal Plants and Endophytic Fungi
Fungal Endophytes: Gold Mine of Bioactive Compounds
Ethnomedicinal Plants and Their Fungal Endophytes
Why Mycoendophytes? And Not Ethnomedicinal Plants?
Hypothetical Mechanism- Why Mycoendophytes Produce Metabolites Similar To Produced By Host
Historical Perspective of the Traditional Medicine
Gene Pools, Germplasm Enhancement and Biopiracy
Historical perspective of the traditional medicine
Medicinal and aromatic plants of Azerbaijan
Preparation and applying of decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in the Iberian Peninsula
Some Historical Considerations
The Role of Health Care Practitioners in the Use of Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPs)
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Australia
Some Useful Australian Medicinal Plants
Current Investigations of Australian Medicinal Plants
Toxicity, Cross Reactivity and the Safe Use of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants' Natural Resources
Different Authenticity Methodologies for Detection of Adulteration
Traditional uses of Artemisia species
Bioactive ingredients of Artemisia species
Herbal Ingredients as Cosmeceuticals
Market Demand of Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals
Gender-specific Cosmeceuticals
Cosmeceuticals: Ayurveda and Skin Care
Mechanism of Action of Cosmeceuticals
Classification of Cosmeceutical Products
Future area of research in skin care cosmeceuticals
Advantages of Herbal Cosmetics
Common Medicinal Plants and Extracts used in Modern and Traditional Medicine
Biochemistry of Medicinal Plant Active Compounds
Pharmacologically Active Phytochemicals in Medicinal Plants
Uses and Applications of the Phytochemicals in Medicinal Plants
Morphology of Curcuma longaMorphology of Curcuma longa
Laboratory Tests to Assess the Presence of Phytochemicals in Curcuma longa
Traditional Uses of Curcuma longa
Classification and categorization of Sudan’s medicinal plants
Medicinal plants with special position in the Sudanese culture
Strategies for improving the role of traditional medicine and practitioners
Plant Phenolics Classification
Stachys sp. (Lamiaceae) - Biochemical Characteristics and Possible Use
Calendula officinalis L - Biochemical Characteristics and Possible Use
Fagopyrum spp. - Biochemical Characteristics
Origin, Types, Characteristics and Distribution Mustard Seed
Definition of Bioactive Compounds in Plants
Phytochemical Constituents of Mustard Seeds
Pharmacological activities of mustard seeds
Bioactivities of Isolated Components
Sulforaphane, glucoraphanin and myrosinase
Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. (balsam fir), Pinaceae
Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow), Asteraceae
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem. (western serviceberry), Rosaceae
Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. (white sage), Asteraceae
Artemisia tridentata Nutt. (big sagebrush), Asteraceae
Asarum canadense L. (wild ginger), Aristolochiaceae
Betula papyrifera Marshall (paper birch), Betulaceae
Eupatorium perfoliatum L. (boneset), Asteraceae
Hamamelis virginiana L. (witch hazel), Hamamelidaceae
Heracleum maximum W. Bartram (cow parsnip)
Humulus lupulus L. (hops), Cannabaceae
Juniperus communis L. (common juniper), Cupressaceae
Juniperus virginiana L. (eastern red cedar), Cupressaceae
Lomatium dissectum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance (fernleaf biscuitroot), Apiaceae
Mentha canadensis L. (Canada mint), Lamiaceae
Oplopanax horridus (Sm.) Miq. (devil's club), Araliaceae
Populus balsamifera L. (balsam poplar), Salicaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Douglas fir), Pinaceae
Sanguinaria canadensis L. (bloodroot), Papaveraceae
Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees (sassafras), Lauraceae
Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don (western red cedar), Cupressaceae
Revival of Interest in Phytomedicine
The Status of Herbal Medicine in The Mediterranean
Safety Monitoring and Regulatory Status of Herbal Medicines
Synergistic Actions of Phytomedicines
Preparation Techniques and Administration Form of Herbal Medicines
Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Properties of Commonly Used Arab Medicinal Plants
Importance of Determination of Genetic Variation among Date Palm Cultivars
Construction of Phylogeny for Determining the Relationships among Date Palm Cultivars
Tools for Establishment of Phylogenetic Relationships among Date Palm Cultivars
Pathophysiology and Etiology of Depression
Treatment – Conventional Treatment and their Targets
Interventions and Complementary Management of Depression
Ancient System of Herbal Therapy
Limitations of Herbal Medicines
Challenges Associated with Herbal Medicine
Myths and Facts about Mental Health
Geographic location and climate of Morocco
Socio-economic interest of MP in Morocco
Moroccan pharmacopeia and traditional medicine
Important Moroccan medicinal and aromatic plants
Some outstanding medicinal species of Morocco
Medicinal plants used in Morocco to manage cancer
Historical Perspectives and Development of Medical Traditions in Bhutan
Theory, Concepts and Classification of Medicinal Plants
Naming Of Medicinal Plants and the Collection Seasons
Medicinal Plants Diversity, Distribution and Parts Used
Medicinal Plant Collection, Utilization and Contribution to Gross National Happiness
Quality Assurance of Medicinal Plants Used In the BSM
Phytochemicals of Medicinal Plants
Biological Activities and Biodiscovery Potential of Medicinal Plants
Risks Factors for the Sustainability of Medicinal Plants
Agricultural Crop Genetic Resource
Phytochemicals of Portulaca oleracea and Extraction Methods
Pharmacological activities of Phytochemicals of Portulaca Oleracea
Occurrence, Ethnopharmacology and Botanical Description
Phytochemistry of P. macrocarpa
Bioactive chemical components in olive leaf extracts
Health benefits of olive leaf extracts
Preparation of olive leaf extracts
Uses of Commiphora myrrha oleo-gum-resin in traditional medicine
Research evidences of pharmacological activities of Commiphora myrrha
Climatic Conditions for Plant Growth
Phytochemicals Present in Basil and Tulsi
Other Applications (Herbal Based Products for Health Care and Personal Care)
Origin and History of Millets:
Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)
Pearl or Cattail Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum (L.) R. Br.)
Finger Millets (Madua) [Eleusine Coracana (Gaertn)]
Little Millet (Panicum Sumatrense)
Kodo (Paspalum Scrobiculatum L.)
Foxtail Millet [Setaria Italica (L.) P. Beauvois]
Barnyard or Japanese Millet (Sawan) [Echinochloa Crusgalli (L.) P. Beauvois]
Proso Millet (Cheena) (Panicum Miliaceum L.)
Brown Top Millet (Panicum Ramosum)
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
Pearl or Cattail millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn)
Little Millet (Panicum sumatrense Roth ex Roem. & Schult)
Kodo Millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.)
Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.)
Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa frumentacea L.)
Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)
Brown Top Millet (Panicum ramosum):
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]
Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.)
Finger Millets (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn)
Little Millet (Panicum sumatrense Roth ex Roem. & Schult)
Kodo Millet (Paspalum Scrobiculatum L.)
Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.)
Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa frumentacea Link.)
Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)
Vernacular or Common Name of Millets
Phyto-constituents of Millets and Other Staple Cereals
Pathways for the Synthesis of various Phyto-constituents
Extraction Methodology of Phyto-constituents
Factors Affecting the Choice of Solvent used in Extraction are:
Calculation of Percentage Yield:
Estimation of Phyto -constituents
Antioxidant Activity of Millets
Anti-diabetic Activity of Millets
Anti-cancer Activity of Millets
Anti-inflammatory Activity of Millets
Anti-microbial Activity of Millets
Millets against Celiac Disease
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Inflammation
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Bone-Related Diseases
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol as a Neuro-protective Agent
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol as a Cardio-protective Agent
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol as a Gastro-protective Agent
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol as Hepato-protective Agent
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol as a Nephro-protective agent
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Diabetes
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Skin Diseases
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol as Anti-venom Substance
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Protozoa
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Microbes.
Common Food with Anticancer Properties
Medicinal Properties of Lupeol against Cancers
Lupeol against Skin Carcino-genesis
Lupeol against Head and Neck Cancer
Lupeol against Pancreatic Cancer
Historical perspective of medicinal plants
Definition of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs)
MAPs with antioxidant properties
MAPs used for cardiovascular disease
Medicinal Plants with Phytochemical, Pharmacological and / Or Toxicological Studies
Introduction: Some Historical Insights
Antioxidant Activity and Structure-Activity Relationship
Identification and Extraction Techniques
Opuntia Ficus-Indica in Animal Nutrition
Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines in Africa
Traditional Medicinal Practitioners in African Herbal System of Medicine
TRelationship between Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine in Africa and Modern Medicine
Effectiveness of Herbal Medicines in Africa
Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines for the Treatment of Bacteria Diseases
The Role of Nutrients in African Plants on the Immune System Functions
African Medicinal Plants and Herbs Used in Treating Central Nervous System Disorders
African Plants and Phytochemicals with Antifungal and Antidiabetic Activities
Safety and Adverse Effects of Medicinal Plants Used in Herbal Medicines
Medicinal Plants used to Treat Cardiovascular Diseases in Africa
Bioactive Compounds in Medicinal Plants used for Treating Cardiovascular Diseases in Africa
Phenolic Compounds in Medicinal Plants used for Treating Cardiovascular Diseases in Africa
Medicinal Plants in Africa used in Treating Cardiovascular Diseases and Their Drug Interactions
Plant-based Nutrients against Cardiovascular Diseases
Prominent Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Barbados: Botanical Profiles
Bioactive phytochemicals of Triphala
Evolutionary Aspects of Diet: Sources and the Omega-6/Omega-3 Balance
Biosynthesis of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Genetic variants at FADS1 and FADS2
Genetic Variation in FADS1 and FADS2: Inflammation and susceptibility to Covid-19
Clinical Intervention Studies and the Omega-6/Omega-3 EFA Balance
Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Brain
Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Maternal and Infant Nutrition
Classification of phenolic compounds
Relationship between phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity
Effect of processing and storage on phenolics in vegetables
Dysregulated nutrient sensing and reprogrammed energy metabolism
Aconitum Spp. (A. Chasmanthum, A. Heterophyllum)
Berberis Spp. (B. Aristata, B. Chitria, B. Kasmiriana)
Gentiana Spp. (G. Cachmirica, G. Kurroo)
Meconopsis Spp. (M. Aculeate and M. Latifolia)
Saussurea Spp. (S. Costus, S. Gossypiphora, S. Obvallata and S. Simpsoniana)
Conservation issues, strategies and challenges
Phytochemistry of Uncaria tomentosa
Medicinal properties of Uncaria tomentosa
Phytochemistry of Momordica charantia
Medicinal properties of Momordica charantia
Phytochemistry of Withania somnifera
Source of Curcumin and Its Functions
Chemical Properties of Curcumin
Diabetes and the Global Public Health Agenda
Remedial Effect of Curcumin On Diabetes
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) as an antioxidant
Biosynthesis pathways of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)
Requirement for alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) biosynthesis
Metabolic biochemistry of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)
Medicinal Properties of C. asiatica
Taxonomy, Botany and Plant Growth
Nutrition, nutrient content, contribution to diet and secondary metabolites
Market and Production Statistics/Socio Economic Importance
Pest and disease and Management
Storage, Handling and Processing
Major challenges in pepper production
Market and production statistics
Taxonomy, botany, and plant growth
Nutrition, nutrient content, contribution to diet
Market and production statistics
Taxonomy, botany, and plant growth
Nutrition, nutrient content, contribution to diet
Market and production statistics
Taxonomy, botany, and plant growth
Taxonomy and botany: Pumpkins and squashes
Market and production statistics
Nutrition, Nutrient Content, and Contribution to the Human Diet
Production, consumption, and markets
Taxonomy, domestication, botany, and plant growth
Contribution to diet and health-promoting phytochemicals
Climate and production practices
Production, consumption, and markets
Taxonomy, domestication, botany, and plant growth
Contribution to diet and health-promoting phytochemicals
Climate and production practices
Taxonomy, domestication, plant growth, and breeding
Contribution to diet and health-promoting phytochemicals
Climate and production processes
Taxonomy, domestication, and plant growth
Contribution to diet and health-promoting phytochemicals
Climate and production processes
Specialty legume vegetables (e.g. vegetable soybean, soybean and other legume sprouts)
Taxonomy, domestication, and plant growth
Contribution to diet and health-promoting phytochemicals
Chemical Structure and Composition of polyphenol compounds
Properties of diffèrent flavonoids and mechanisms of action
Flavonoids as potential therapeutics for controlling various disorders and health effects
Introduction: History, Geography and Natural Wealth of Eritrea
Eritrea in the Medieval Period
The Struggles and Independence
Geography and Physical Features of Eritrea
Terrain, Climatic Zones and Rainfall
The Wealth of Plants and Crops in Eritrea
Medicinal Aromatic Plants of Eritrea
Botanical Description and Taxonomy of Gymnema sylvestre
Phytochemistry of Gymnema sylvestre
Medicinal Properties of Gymnema sylvestre
Traditional and Ethnobotanical Use
In vitro and In vivo Pharmacological Activities
Different Preparations of Gymnema Sylvestre
Bioavailability of Phytocompounds and Gymnema Preparations
Mechanism of Actions Of Phytocompounds Of Gymnema Sylvestre
Clinical Study Reports On Gymnema Sylvestre and Its Different Preparations
Toxicological Study Report on Gymnema sylvestre
The Geological Scenario and the Major Evolutionary Transitions
Populations, Species, and Communities
Zoological Classification and References
The Diversity of animal parasites
Platyhelminthes Gegenbaur, 1859
General Introduction and Historical Contexts
What makes Microbiology Microbiology: The Special Nature Of Its Subjects
Ancient and Medieval Times up to the 16th Century
The need for organic molecules
Asymmetry in organic molecules
Rise and fall of organic chemistry of galaxies
Organic chemistry on orbiting bodies
Self-organization and self-replication
The Probability and Stability of Biospheres
Possible environments for the production of prebiotic organic molecules
Introduction: The Nature of Evolution
Major Transitions in Evolution
Different Approaches to the Study of Evolution
Evolution, Complexity, and the Information Content of Living Beings
Scientific Historiography and the Analysis of the Theoretical Concepts
Linneus, the "System" and the "Methods"
Buffon and the nuance of Nature
The Historical Dimension and the Re-orientation of Natural History
The Structure of a New Theoretical Picture
Selected Examples of Differentiated Cell Types
Natural vs. artificial classifications
Taxonomy and nomenclature of domesticated animals and cultivated plants
From Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance Encyclopaedias
From the First Monographers to Linnaeus
Concepts and Definitions: Species, Homology, Analogy
The Thermodynamic and Mechanistic Basis of Cellular Metabolism
Metabolic Diversity Within the Three Domains of Life: Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya
Phototrophy - The Use of Light as Energy Source
Metabolic Diversity and the Cycles of Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Other Elements
Cell Size and Cell Shape in the Procaryotes
The Outer Layers of the Procaryotic Cell
Special Intracellular Structures
Multicellular Differentiation and Special Life Cycles in Procaryotes
Diversity of Form, Function, and Adaptation - The Lower Eucaryotes and the Procaryotes Compared
The Emergence of the Microbial World
Systematics, Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Procaryotes - A Few Definitions
Procaryote Systematics - A Historical Overview
The Formal Framework of Description and Nomenclature of Procaryotes
Approaches to the Classification of Procaryotes
Archaea and Bacteria, the two Domains of the Procaryotic World
Aims and Philosophy of Plant Systematics
History and Development of Plant Systematics
Introduction to the systematic zoology of the Metazoa (Animalia)
Animal phylogeny: data sources and interpretation
Systematic zoology of the Metazoa
Alternative hypotheses of metazoan relationships
Reconciliation and pathways to future progress
Platyhelminthes, the Flatworms
Why are Insects so Successful?
Relationships and Higher Classification
General Morphology of the Mollusca
General Morphology of the Echinodermata
Classification and Relationships of the Echinodermata
Microbial growth and reproduction
Sexual Reproduction (amphimixis – in which genes from two individuals mix)
Overview of Reproductive Biology in Mammals
Origin and Development of Germ Cells
Germ Cell Differentiation: Gametogenesis and Meiosis
The Encounter of Egg and Sperm: Fertilization
The First Days of an Embryo: Cleavage to Blastocyst
The First Direct Interaction with the Mother: Implantation
Preimplantation Variations: Monozygotic Twins, Chimaeric Cmbryos and Transgenic Animals
The Genetics of Pre-Implantation: How Early Development is Regulated from the Nucleus
Introduction – Life is a Cycle
Gastrulation, Cellular Movements and Formation of Three Germ Layers
Introduction Reproduction, Sex and Gonads in Human
Penultimate Mechanisms of Aging
Genetic Architecture of Senescence
An Integrated View of Health and Senescence from Conception to Death
Species in Sexual and Asexual Organisms
Evolutionary History of Meiotic Sex
Genetic Consequences of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Genes in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts are Often Asexual
How Can We Tell That an Organism is Asexual?
Sexual Reproduction is easily lost
Selection on Individuals or Species (or both) Must Favor Sex
Non-Genetic Advantages and Disadvantages of Sex
Models in Studies of Physiology
Cells as Basic Functional Units
Cell Deaths and Longevity of the Organism
Principles of Oriental Physiology
Extracellular Fluid Homeodynamics
Environmental Temperature and Homeodynamics
Operating of Voltage-Gated Channels
Mechanically Activated Channels
Factors Determining Cell Volume Under Steady-State Conditions
Physiological and Pathological Causes of Non-Balanced Cell Volume Changes
General Mechanisms of Cell Volume Regulation Under Non-Steady-State Conditions
Contribution of Volume Regulatory Mechanisms to Cell Functions and Pathological States
Basic Elements of the Human Thermoregulatory System
Thermoregulatory Reactions to Heat and Cold
Models of the Human Thermoregulatory System
Efficiency of Human Thermoregulation
Gender Differences in Thermoregulation
Physiological and Pathological Pain
Withdrawal Reflex and Avoidance Behavior Induced by Noxious Stimulation
Regulation of Pain Transmission in the Central Nervous System
Functional and Structural Changes in the Pain Tracts
Responses of Peripheral Nociceptors to Tissue Injury and Inflammation
Introduction: Principles of PET
Drug Development, Radiolabeled Drugs, and PET
Enzymes as Biological Catalysts
Clinical and Biotechnological Applications of Enzymes
General Features to Increase the Reaction Rate
Structure Determination Techniques
Relationship of Enzyme Structure with Enzyme Chemistry and Mechanism
Oxygen activation by cytochrome P450
Vascular endothelium and xanthine oxidase
Reactive metabolites as bullets of phagocytes
Introduction and General Considerations
Reactive Oxygen Species and Their Formation
Oxidative Damage and Physiological Significance of Reactive Oxygen Species
Antioxidant Defence Mechanisms
HIF: transcriptional regulator of hypoxic responses
Oxygen-dependent regulation of HIF
Introduction: Different Life Forms
Origin of Life and Energy Sources
Early Phototrophic Autotrophism
First Steps towards Karyotes: From Heterotrophism to Nucleus and Mitosis
From Endosymbiosis to Chloroplasts and Mitochondria
Towards Multicellularism and Task Divisions within Organisms
Introduction - Composition of the Intestinal Flora
Microbial Ecology of the Intestinal Flora
Effects of the Intestinal Flora
Methods to Studying the Intestinal Flora
Physico-Chemical Properties of Fatty Acids
Classification and Biological Function of Fatty Acids
Fatty Acids as Constitutional Components of Lipids
Physiological Roles of Fatty Acids
Milk Lipids and Developing Brain
Food Safety and Various Eating Patterns
Plant-Based Dietary Patterns and Physiological Health Promotion
Plant-Only Diets and Health Risk Control
Nutrition and Digestion of Sterols
Functional Anatomy and Histology of the Kidneys
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA) Releases Renin
Glomerular Ultrafiltration (GFR) and Its Determination
Main Hormones and Their Functions
Action Mechanisms of Glucocorticoids
Neural and Neuroendocrine Control of Glucocorticoid Secretion
Glucocorticoids as a Biological Substrate of Reward
Melatonin as Pineal Hormone of Darkness
Circadian Secretion Pattern of Melatonin
Seasonal Secretion of Melatonin
Adaptation of the Heart to Increased Load
Physiological Effects of Cardiac Natriuretic Peptides (ANP and BNP)
Why did a Tropical Man Move to Cold Climate Areas?
Does Modern Man Experience Cold?
Four Types of Surfaces for Gas Exchange
Pulmonary and Alveolar Ventilation
Distribution of Ventilation and Perfusion
Functional Organization of the Circulatory System
List of Physiological Functions Coupled to the Vascular System
Hemodynamics: Biomechanical Characteristics of the Circulation
Physiological Control of Circulation
Hints to Maintain Healthy Circulatory Functions
Elementary Hemodynamics and Wall Mechanics
Cytophysiology of Artery Wall Components
Different Segments of the Arterial Tree
Physiological Responses to Exercise
Ergonomy in the Information Society
Nutrition and Musculoskeletal System
Introduction and General Considerations
Mitochondria and Aerobic Metabolism
Metabolism of Glucose and Glycogen in Muscle Fibers
Fatty Acids and Triglycerides as an Energy Source
Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type and Aerobic and Glycolytic Capacity
Muscular Fatigue and Mitochondrial Respiration
Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds
Calcium release channel of the SR
Cardiovascular Adaptation due to Exercise
Anatomy and Function of the Trunk Extensor and Flexor Muscles
Epidemiological Aspects of LBP
Introduction: the Common Mammalian Heritage
Subsystems of Human Locomotor Apparatus and Mechanical Constraints of their Phylogeny
Mechanisms to Drive the Mechanics
Muscular Recruitment During Locomotion
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Sitting
Thermoregulatory Activity of the Motor System
Introduction and Overview of the Nervous System
Sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system
Synthesis and Breakdown of Amine Transmitters
Synthesis, Breakdown and Transport of Amino Acid Transmitters
Circadian Rhythms are Endogenous
Measurement of the Circadian Rhythms
Sensory Signals and Food Intake
Gastrointestinal Neural Signals and Food Intake
Gastrointestinal Hormones and Food Intake
Nutrient Blood Levels in Regulation
Sympathetic Nervous System and Obesity
Adipose Tissue Feedback in Regulation
Food Intake and Centers in the Brain
Environmental Factors Affecting Plant Physiology
Molecular Genetic Approaches to Study and Affect Plant Physiology
Importance of Water to All Living Beings
Water Potential: What Does it Contain?
Absorption of Soil Water by Plant Roots (and Other Parts)
What Else is There in Soil Moisture?
Soil Conditions Affect Plants Greatly
Root Nodules and Mycorrhizae Affect Nutrient and Water Uptake by Roots
Structure of the Water-Conducting Systems in Plants: Xylem and Phloem Sap
Water Transport Inside the Plant
Structures, Properties, and Natural Occurrence of Chlorophylls
Chlorophylls as Redox Pigments in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers
Functions of Chlorophylls in the Light-Harvesting Antenna Systems
Opportunities Offered by Chlorophyll and Photosynthesis Research
Importance of Nitrogen Fixation
Allelopathic Interactions in Plant Communities of Natural Ecosystems
Allelopathy in Aquatic Ecosystem
Allelopathic Interactions in Agroecosystems
Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture
Ozone as Environmental Pollutant
Combined Action of Air Pollutants and Other Environmental and Climatic Factors in Plants
Ecosystem and Host Plant Level Disturbances in Polluted Areas
Responses of Various Plant Feeder Groups to Environmental Changes
Effects of the Most Important Air Pollutants on Plant-Feeding Insects
Effects of Elevated CO2 on Plant-Feeding Insects
Consequences of Rising Temperature for Insect-Plant Interactions
Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Plant-Feeding Insects
Plant Pathogens and Nematodes in Relation to Air Pollution
Relative Importance of Pollutants and Global Change Factors on Herbivorous Insect Populations
The Brain and Nerves in the Ancient World
Galenism, the Medieval Period, and the Four Ventricle Doctrine
The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Neuroanatomy
Early Modern Theories of the Brain and Nerves
Enlightenment Philosophies and Sciences
The Road from Neuromorphology to Neurophysiology in the 19th Century
Brain Psychiatry and Clinical Neuropsychology
The Emergence of Early Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centers
The structural elements in the nervous tissue
Effects of Extreme Conditions on Cellular Components
Organic Matter Decomposition and Metal Cycling
Common Mineral and Biomineral Transformations by Microbes
Fungal Symbioses in Mineral Transformations
Environmental and Applied Significance of Mineral-Metal-Microbe Interactions
Extremophiles and the Evolution of Life
The Structure of the Tree of Life
Was the LCA a Hyperthermophile?
Thermophile Diversity and Population Structure
Distribution and Speciation of Thermophiles
Phylogeny of Hyperthermophiles
Sampling and Isolation of Hyperthermophiles
Strategies of Life and Environmental Adaptations of Hyperthermophiles
Distribution of Species and Complexity in Hyperthermophilic Ecosystems
Basis of Heat Stability and the Upper Temperature Limit for Life
The General Problem of Nucleic Acid Stability at High Temperature
The Structural Basis of Thermostability
Lessons From Directed Evolution
Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Factors in Enzyme Thermostability
Systematics of the Order Thermococcales
Strategies for Osmotic Adaptation in Microorganisms
Compatible Solutes of Organisms that Live at High Temperatures
The Distribution of Compatible Solutes Within the Tree of Life
Reflections on the Physiological Role of Compatible Solutes in Thermoadaptation
The Effect of Hypersolutes on Protein Stability
Pathways for the Synthesis of Compatible Solutes in Thermophiles and Hyperthermophiles
Even Extreme Thermophiles Display Heat-Shock Response
Extreme Environments as a Source of Novel Thermoactive Enzymes
Cultivation of Extremophilic Microorganisms
Screening Strategies for Thermoactive Enzymes
Cold Shock and Cold Acclimation
Cold Resistance and Cold Sensitivity
Membrane Structure and Lipid Organization
Structure of Transport Proteins
Kinetic Optimization of Cold-Active Enzymes
Antifreeze Compounds and Intracellular Effectors
Heterologous Protein Production in Bacteria other than Escherichia coli
Cold-Adapted Bacteria Transformation
Construction of Cold Genetic Systems and their Cold Host Profile
The a -Amylase Example of Heterologous Protein Production in Cold-Adapted Bacteria
Advantages of Cold-Active Enzymes in Biotechnology
Halophilism: Concept and Classifications
Mechanisms of Osmoadaptation in Prokaryotes
Primary Response of the Halophilic Cell to Fluctuation in External Salinity
Ectoine - a compatible solute in halophilic microorganisms
Industrial production of ectoines
Effects of ectoines in stabilization
The Place of Alkaliphiles Among Extremophilic Bacteria
Genomics, Proteomics, and Adaptations to Alkaliphily
Growth pH Ranges of Alkaliphilic Microorganisms
Cell Surface Structure of Alkaliphilic Strains of Bacillus spp.
Alkaline pH Sensitivity of Cell Wall-Defective Mutants of Strain C-125
Introduction: industrial biotopes as a reservoirs for extremophiles
Bacteria and the periodic table
How to track metal-resistant bacteria?
Metal-rich biotopes as sources of metal-resistant bacteria
Metal resistance: a role for mobile genetic elements
The organization of metal-resistance genes in Ralstonia metallidurans
Other bacteria involved in biogeochemical processes involving metals
Environmental applications of bacteria adapted to heavy metals or able to process heavy metals
Definition of Extreme Acidophily
Carbon and Energy Sources of Extreme Acidophiles
Acid Resistance Mechanisms in Neutrophiles
Metal Efflux Systems in Bacteria
Other Natural Environments Exposed to Elevated Hydrostatic Pressure
Investigation of Life in a High-Pressure Environment
JAMSTEC Exploration of the Deep-Sea High-Pressure Environment
Taxonomic Identification of Piezophilic Bacteria
Biodiversity of Piezophiles in the Ocean Environment
Molecular Mechanisms of Adaptation to the High-Pressure Environment
Pressure effects compared with temperature effects
Role of water and solvent composition
Isolation and Characterization of Piezophiles
The major determinants of health
Domestication of Livestock and Human Cohabitation
Defining and Measuring Health and Disease
Epidemiological Approaches to Understanding Causal Relations
Experimental Epidemiology: The Randomized Trial
Epidemiology for Health Systems: Use in Policy, Planning, and Assessment
What is a Health Information System?
Health Information Systems and Health Development
The Structure of Health Information Systems
A Reference Framework to Health-Related Indicators
From Conceptual Framework to Indicators -- Health State Expectancies
Definition, Purpose, and Objective of Surveillance
The Social and Economic Cost of Mental Illness
Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders
The Symptoms and Sequelae of Mental Illness
Epidemiology of Mental Disorders
The Multifactorial Causation of Mental Disorders
Infectious Diseases Causing High Mortality
Infectious Diseases Causing Disability
Emerging and Reemerging Infections
Long-Term and Domiciliary Care
Quality Assurance in Health Care
Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Rehabilitation Technology
Genetics and Tissue Engineering
Background: Emergence of a Right to Health
Experience: Emergence of a Set of Principles
Authorship and Choice of a Name
A Short, Formal Definition of PHC
Community Determination of Basic Needs Related to Health
Determination of Health Targets for HFA/PHC
Practical Implementation of PHC
Quality Assurance in Developing Countries
Health Care Quality Parameters
Patient Satisfaction as an Indicator of Quality
Approaches to Quality Assurance
Utilization of Health Services
The Development of Health Technology Assessment
Establishing Effectiveness Evidence
The Appropriate Role for Health Technology Assessment
Current Developments: Strategic HTA
Duty-based (or deontological) ethics
Consequentialist or utilitarian ethics
Reproductive and Sexual Health Ethics
Biotechnology will Play a Bigger Role in our Lives
Codification and Professionalism
Codes, Guidelines and Pre-Existing Practice
Medical and Related Codes of Conduct
Essential Information for Patients and Research Subjects
Informed Consent in the Clinical Setting
Informed Consent in Biomedical Research involving Human Subjects
Obtaining Informed Consent of Subjects
Research Involving Children and Other Incompetent Subjects
Consent to Epidemiological and Other Studies with Community Involvement
Consent in Externally Sponsored Research
New Microbial Threats, the Environment in Which They Develop, and Related Matters
Industrial Chemicals and Accidents; Occupational Hazards; Trauma
New Methods of Spread of Disease
Macroeconomic Policy, Globalization, International Labor Regulation, International Patents, Etc.
The Context of Atmospheric and Climate Change
Biological and Human Health Impact of Increased Ultraviolet Radiation Flux
Greenhouse Gases and Global Climate Change
Current and Continuing Concerns of Health and Development in Border Areas
Challenges to Improving Vaccination
Obstacles to Effective Vaccination
Solutions to Problems of Access and Coverage
Mechanisms: Cooperation Between Industrialized Nations and Developing Nations
Recent Initiatives—A Brighter Future?
Definitions and Concepts of Health
Health as Dynamic Equilibrium: Ecology of Human–Pathogen Interactions
Group Ii: (+) Ss Dna Viruses (Parvovirus)
Introduction to Infectious Diseases
Detection of Molecular Markers of Microbial Pathogens
Traditional and Non-DNA Methods Used In Palaeomicrobiology
Palaeomicrobiology Based On Nucleic Acids of Microbial Pathogens
Specific Human Infections and Ancient Nucleic Acids
Host Factors and Microbial Infections
Insights from Palaeomicrobiology Relevant to the Present Day
Public Health Impact of Water-Related Diseases
Control of Water-Related Diseases
Utilization of Water and Related Resources
Definitions and systems for classifying water related disease
Non-infectious disease related to water
Indicators of water quality and public health
Public health surveillance of waterborne disease
Epidemiologic studies of endemic waterborne disease
Etiology and causes of endemic water-attributable disease
New, emerging, re-emerging and resurgent infectious diseases
Application of Water Safety Plans
Key Elements for Sustainable Water Services
Barriers to Sustainable Water Services
General issues of zoonotic disease acquired through drinking water
Adverse Reproductive and Developmental Outcomes
Naturally occurring chemical contaminants
Contaminants arising from agriculture
Contaminants from industry and human habitation
Contaminants introduced in drinking water treatment
Potential Solutions for Small Communities
Point-of-Use and Personal Water Treatment
Trends in the Bottled Water Market
Quantitative Microbial Risk Analysis
Health implications of eutrophication from consumption and recreational exposure
Subsurface Behavior of Viruses
Factors Affecting Attachment of Viruses to Soil
Factors Affecting Virus Inactivation in the Subsurface
Advection and Dispersion of Viruses
Sources of fecal contamination impacting water quality
Pathogens contaminating molluscan shellfish and growing waters
Guidelines and Standards for Monitoring
Reservoirs of Fecal Pollution and Toxins
Challenges posed in the up-scaling of onsite dry sanitation systems
Implications of research findings on long term sustainability of VIPs
Current status of water supply and sanitation coverage in the world
The Burden of Water-related Diseases
Vector Borne Diseases Associated With Water Resources Development
Water Management for Vector Control
Water Resources Development and the Urban Environment
Human health effects from cyanobacteria
Water for People, Food, and the Environment: a Common Resource
Human Health: a Cross Cutting Issue in Water Resources Development
Limitations to Conventional Approaches in the Domestic Water Supply Sector
Domestic Use of Irrigation Water
Newly Emerging Water Quality Problems
Impact of Irrigation Management on Availability of Water for Domestic Use.
Water Reuse Terminology and Definitions
Evolution of Water Reclamation and Reuse
Water Reuse - Current Status in the United States
Water Reuse in Other Parts of the World
Spectrum of Reclaimed Water Quality and Treatment Technology
Water Quality Criteria and Regulatory Requirements
Infrastructure for Water Reuse
Observations and Future Trends in Water Reuse
Uses for recycled water in the Urban Environment
Domestic Non Human Consumption Urban Use
Indirect Potable (Drinking Water) Use
Towards an integral definition of water reuse
How to overcome people’s fear of reused water
What we know about natural water reuse
Helminth Ova in Wastewater and Sludge
Helminth Ova Removal from Wastewater
Helminth Ova Inactivation in Sludge
Antiplatelet, Anticoagulants and Fibrinolytic Agents
Drugs That Increase Blood Pressure
Drugs That Decrease Blood Pressure
Drugs Used in the Treatment of Heart Failure
Cardiac Arrhythmias and Anti-Arrhythmic Drug
How Do We Determine a Person’s Phenotype?
How Do We Determine a Person’s Genotype?
Nomenclature Used For Genetic Variants
History of Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
Pharmacogenetics of Drug Metabolising Enzymes and Transporters: Pharmacokinetics
Pharmacogenetics of Drug Targets: Pharmacodynamics
Chemical synaptic transmission in the central nervous system
Psychopharmacology and psychotropic drugs
Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary Diseases
Drugs that Control Gastric Acid Secretion and Treat Peptic Ulcers
Drugs Stimulating Gastrointestinal Motility
Drug Screening Studies for Assessing Pharmacological Activity
Safety Pharmacology Studies in the Context of Regulatory Guidelines
Use of in vitro Systems and in vivo Models for Safety Pharmacology Testing
Definitions of Pharmacological Terms
Anatomical and Functional Organization of the Efferent Peripheral Nervous Systems
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
Neuromuscular transmission and contraction in skeletal muscle
Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs
Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs
Other drugs that impair neuromuscular transmission
The major mediators of inflammation and their origins
The integrated treatment of inflammatory disorders: selected examples
Reproductive Glands and Hormones and Their Regulation
Testicular Function and its Control
The Menstrual Cycle and Drugs used in Menstrual Disorders and the Menopause
Pharmacological Interventions in Pregnancy, Parturition (birth) and Lactation
Environmental and Other Non-therapeutic Agents Affecting Reproduction and Development
B cell targeted immunotherapy: Rituximab
Lymphocyte trafficking inhibitors: Natalizumab and Efalizumab
Costimulatory molecules antagonists (Abatacept, Betalacept, Alefacept)
Interleukin-2 receptor antagonists: Basiliximab, Daclizumab
Antagonists of soluble mediators of inflammation
Antagonist of Immunoglobulin E (Omalizumab)
Strategies for Producing Pain Therapeutics
Pain assessment and pain assessment tools
The Modern Drug Discovery Process
The Role of Experimental Animal Models in Drug Discovery and Development
The Use of Imaging Technology in Drug Discovery and Development
The Beginning of Modern Biological Science
Life Elsewhere in the Universe
The Curricula for Different Programs
Cellular Anaerobic Respiration
The Electron Transport Chain and Chemiosmosis
Cellular differentiation in multicellular organisms
Organization of eukaryotic cells
The distribution and function of the mitochondrion
Distribution and structure of the chloroplast
An endosymbiotic origin for the mitochondrion and chloroplast
Procaryote and Eucaryote Microbial Cell Structure
Major Groups of Eucaryotic Microorganisms
Pathogenesis and Microorganisms
Antibiotics and Microorganisms
The Archae, Cyanobacteria, Green phototrophs, and Deeply Branching Genera
The Planctomycetes, Spirochetes, Fibrobacter, Bacteroides and Fusobacteria
Mechanism of DNA Mutation, Transfer and Recombination in Bacteria
Bacterial Cell Growth and Division
Microbial Disease and Pathogenesis in History
Foodborne and Water Borne Diseases
Signal Transduction via Plasma Membrane to Gene Expression
Signal Transduction of Light in Animals (Vertebrates), Neurospora Crassa, and Plants
Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
Repeat induced point mutation (RIP)
Genetic regulation by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins
Epigenetics in Arabidopsis thaliana
Recombination and Pairing of Homologous Chromosomes
Establishment of Recombination
Structure and Function of the Synaptonema Complex (SC):
Transcription and Recombination
Somatic recombination/ Diploid Genetics
Sequence Features of the Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 Genome
Assignment of RNA and Protein-Coding Genes in the Synechocystis Genome
Characteristic Features of Synechocystis Genes
Functional Genomics in Synechocystis
Introduction: Why is Arabidopsis a Model Plant Species?
Small Size and Simple Organization of the Arabidopsis Genome
Analysis of the Complete Genome Sequence
Chromosomal Elements: Centromeres, Telomeres, and rDNA Repeats
Arabidopsis Plastid and Mitochrondrial Genomes
DNA Repair by Reversal of Damage Without Excision
Base Excision Repair in Non-Mammalian Cells
Base Excision Repair in Mammalian Cells
Nucleotide Excision Repair in Non-Mammalian Cells
Nucleotide Excision Repair in Mammalian Cells
Repair Enzymes in Mitochondria
Human Hereditary Diseases with Defective Processing of DNA Damage
DNA Methyltransferase in Mammals
DNA Methyltransferase Defective Mice
Genomic Imprinting and DNA Methylation
X-Chromosome Inactivation and DNA Methylation
Histone Acetylation and Nucleosome Remodeling
Transition Regulation Under the Control of Chromatin Remodeling Factors
Polar Granules, the Distinctive Organelles of Germ Plasm
Maternal Genes Required for Germ Plasm Assembly
Maternal Factors Required for Pole Cell Formation
Brief Introduction to Historical Background
Brief Introduction to the Genetics of the Nematode Caenorhabditis
Effects of mutations on gene function
Physical Maps of Human Chromosomes
Body Expression Map of the Human Genome
Applications of Gene Expression Analysis in Biomedical Research
The search for inducing factors
Autoneuralization and the Neural Default Hypothesis
The importance of gradients for the anterior-posterior organization of the embryo
Germ layer determination – the three-signal (cascade)-model
Contexts of Medicinal Plant Use
The Phytochemical Discovery of Brazil
Chemical Variability: Puzzles of the Lauraceae
What is Quantitative Chemo-Biology?
Chemobiological Language: What are its Grammatical Rules?
Ethnobotany: Evolutionary Patterns for Useful Plants
Phytochemistry: Regulatory Mechanisms of Plant Bioactivity
Approaches for the discovery of new drugs from higher plants
Biological and pharmacological targets
Isolation of active principles and their structure determination
Medicinal plants in the evolution of biomedicine
Plant-Derived Anti-Cancer Agents in Clinical Use
Plant-Derived Anti-Cancer Agents in Clinical Development
The plant kingdom as source of new antiviral agents
Plant-derived anti-human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV) agents
Plant-derived anti-herpes simplex virus (anti-HSV) and anti-cytomegalovirus (anti-CMV) agents
New plant-derived substances with potential antinociceptive or anti-inflammatory properties
Need for Medicinal Plant Discovery for Type 2 Diabetes
Methods for Searching for Type 2 Diabetes Active Plants
Selected examples of medicinal plants under investigation for antidiabetic activity
Compounds often associated with hypoglycemic activity in medicinal plant research
Plants and their constituents from Ayurvedic medicine
Plants and their constituents from Chinese traditional medicine (TCM)
Plants and their constituents from European herbal medicine
Plants and their constituents from African and South American traditional medicine
Shamanism, psychoactive plants, and the origins of religion
Animal self-medication and ethnomedicine
The impact of parasites on the evolution of self-medicative behavior
Food as medicine in animals and humans
Use of plants as medicine by chimpanzees in the wild
A link between animal self-medication and ethnomedicine
Indigenous Plants in Western Medicine
Biodiversity and Sustainability
Introduction?safety of phytotherapeutic preparations
Examples of safety issue with traditional remedies
How frequent are toxic effects of traditional remedies
Toxicity of traditional medicines?a public health perspective
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plants
Equity Issues in the Medicinal Plant Trade
Introduction – Defining Ethnopharmacology
Introduction: Urban Anthropology in the Disciplinary Tradition
Early anthropological studies in urban areas
The Development of urban anthropology
Methodology and Methods: The Development Of Classic Anthropological Research in the Western City
New Developments in anthropological urban research: Cities in the global context
Contributions of Economic Anthropology to International Development Practice
Anthropometry: Measuring Morphological Variation
Race: Attempts to Classify Variation
The Historical School of Franz Boas
German-Austrian Kulturkreis theory
Pacific Islands: Geography, Prehistory, and Linguistics
First Impressions/Early Paradigms
Pacific Relationships and Polynesian Origins
Classic differentiation of ethnography, ethnology, and anthropology revisited
Disciplines and Contemporary Practices.
Environmental Framework for the Origins of Humanity
The Path to Humanity and Related Milestones
The Role of Dispersal in Human Evolution
Tracking Early Human Dispersal Routes out of Africa
Paleoclimatic Perspectives on Early Human Dispersals out of Africa
Reconstructing Biological History: The Relationship of Humans and Apes
The Human Fossil Record: Basal Hominins
The Earliest Definite Hominins: Australopithecines
Early Australopithecines as Primitive Humans
The Australopithecine Radiation
Origin and Early Evolution of the Genus Homo
Explaining Early Hominin Evolution: Controversy and the Documentation-Explanation Dichotomy
Early Homo erectus in East Africa and the Initial Radiation of Homo
After Homo erectus: The Middle Range of the Evolution of the Genus Homo
Neandertals and Late Archaics from Africa and Asia: The Hominin World Before Modernity
Skeletal and dental markers of stress
Osteological and dental evidence of degenerative disease and habitual activities
Human ecology, and environmental protection and nature conservation
Monitoring of the biological status of a population
Interaction and ecosystem modeling
Origin and development of human ecology
Four sections of human ecology
Mathematical description of the growth process
Biomechanics as the one Possibility of the Physiological Anthropology
Harmonic Analysis of Anthropometrical Data
Measuring and Modelling Methods
Presentation of Different Models of Body Members
Virtual 3D Human Modelling and Digital Biomechanical analysis
Introduction: Theory and history of human biology
Basic genetics- Mendelian & molecular genetics, mitosis & meiosis
Population genetics- Hardy Weinberg Principle, forces of evolution
Quantitative genetics and complex traits- IQ, stature, diseases of complex origin
A Brief History of DNA Forensics
Generic Problems Handled in DNA Forensics
Desired Characteristics of DNA Forensic Markers
Present General Protocols used in DNA Forensics
Issues in Determining Statistical Strength of DNA Evidence
Role of Biological Anthropology in Assessing the Statistical Strength of DNA Forensic Evidence
The Historical, Cognitive and Cultural Bases For "Global Bioethics"
The Self-Consciousness of Problems
The History of Ethical Concepts
Introduction: Ethnic Culture Studies and Anthropology
Profiles of Taiwanese Austronesians
Major Findings: Continuities and Changes among Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples