As an Institutional subscriber, you can set up your online access to authenticate using IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. In other words, there is no need for Libraries or Institutions users to have a user names and passwords. The IP addresses you enter must be registered to your institution and not to a proxy server. Your IT / Computer department should be able to supply you with the IP addresses of the computers in your Institution and confirm whether or not a proxy server is in use.
The Licensor enables IP-address-based access control for institutional subscribers. Each computer that accesses the Internet is assigned an IP address, commonly represented as four number groups separated by dots (e.g., All computers on a local area network, or subnet, may have the first two or three number groups in common. Access to EOLSS-Online from your institution will be authorized based on the IP addresses and/or ranges you provide. (It is recommended that you consult with your network administrator to determine your IP addresses, subnets, and other critical information about your institutions network configuration.).
IP addresses for locations other than the Authorized Sites will not be accepted under this License.
The IP address(es) which you register with EOLSS On-Line must be the external IP address that will be seen by systems outside your orgranization when you are communicating via the Internet. Please do not specify dynamic IP addresses.
All information provided regarding your IP address will be verified by the Licensor, and your network contact (which must be provided) will be contacted if additional clarification is necessary.
Please type your IP address/range in the following formats:
Class B Network: Enter the first two (network) numbers in the first two boxes on the registration form and use asterisks for the host addresses in the last 2 boxes, i.e., 128.58.*.*
Class C Network: Type the first three (network) numbers in the first three boxes on the registration form and an asterisk for the host addresses in the last box, i.e., 192.58.150.*
Single Station: Type all four numbers, i.e., . Each number group of the IP address must be filled in each of the four boxes
Range Address: Range address are categorised by an upper and lower limit. Please make sure you enter the lower limit first followed by the upper limit. Two types of IP ranges are permitted:
i) Ranges of single stations: Ex: -
ii) Class C ranges: Ex: 192.58.150.* - 192.58.152.*
To enter range addresses, enter the lower limit as you would enter a single station or Class C address. To enter the upper limit, click on the check box to enable the next four boxes. The boxes will now change from gray to white. Enter the upper range of the IP address in the same way.
If you are using any firewall or proxy, you need to specify the correct IP address of the firewall or proxy to be allowed access.
If you require further information, please contact License
Agreement Technical Support at