Dear Librarian/ Library Acquisition Committee,
Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems -
with contributions from several thousand scholars, from over 100 countries
and edited by over 395 subject experts and over 8000 authors. The
Encyclopedia is integrative and transdisciplinary in
nature and will be of interest to the education community. EOLSS
represents the theme of humanity, embedded in nature and constrained to find
ways of maintaining a relationship with nature based upon understanding
and respect. EOLSS presently about 534 volumes ( are ready and gradually this number will increase to ultimately capture the entire EOLSS-online body of knowledge in about 600 volumes.
- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Biological, Physiological and Health Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Tropical Biology and Conservation Management
- Land Use, Land Cover and Soil Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology resources
- Control Systems, Robotics and Automation
- Chemical Sciences Engineering and Technology Resources
- Water Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources
- Energy Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources
- Environmental and Ecological Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources
- Food and Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources
- Human Resources Policy, Development and Management
- Natural Resources Policy and Management
- Development and Economic Sciences
- Institutional and Infrastructural Resources
- Technology, Information and System Management Resources
- Area studies (Africa, Brazil, Canada and USA, China, Europe, Japan, Russia)
- Desalination and Water Resources (DESWARE)