Journalism and Mass Communication is the component of Encyclopedia of Social Sciences and Humanities in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias.
The Theme on Journalism and Mass Communication deals, in two volumes and cover five main topics, with a myriad of issues of great relevance to our world such as: Evolution of Journalism and Mass Communication; Evolution of Mass Communication: Mass Communication and Sustainable Futures; The Internet as a Mass Communication Medium; Management and Future of Mass Communications and Media; Communication Strategies for Sustainable Societies, which are then expanded into multiple subtopics, each as a chapter.
These two volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College Students Educators, Professional Practitioners, Research Personnel and Policy Analysts, Managers, and Decision Makers, NGOs and GOs.
Editor(s) Biography
Rashmi Luthra is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Her research interests include women’s movements and media, gender and international communication, and media and diaspora. She has published in various journals including Gazette: International Journal of Mass Communication Studies; Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization; Feminist Issues; Women’s Studies in Communication; and Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, and in various anthologies including Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings by and about Asian American Women, Feminism, Multiculturalism and the Media: Global Diversities, and Religion and Popular Culture: Studies on the Interaction of Worldviews, and Women Faculty of Color in the White College Classroom.She teaches courses in International Communication, Critical Media Studies, Communication Research Methods, and Women’s Studies. She received her Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Wisconsin-Madison