Reproduction and Redistribution This security system has been implemented
through the use of a free Adobe Acrobat plug-in that locks the e-Book to the
computer on which it was first opened, and can be opened only from that
Networking Secure e-Books cannot be used in a multi-user, network environment.
If you would like to purchase e-Books for your network, please contact
for further information.
Viewing: You will need to download the plug-in to view the e-Book. There is no
limit to the number of times a e-Book may be viewed on the single computer it
is locked to.
Copy & Paste: You cannot copy and paste from a secure PDF
The plug-in will load on any version of Windows dating back to Windows95, and
any version of Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader back to version 4.0. The Macintosh
client will load in OSX or OS9 with Carbon and the same versions of Acrobat.
These client plug-ins are extremely small (approximately 150Kb, 200Kb in an
installer), and may be loaded onto a machine without the user requiring
Administrator privileges. It also is compatible with all major browser
applications. Network Administrators can find further information by
clicking here