Comparative Literature: Sharing Knowledges for Preserving Cultural Diversity theme is a component of Encyclopedia of Social Sciences and Humanities in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias.
The Theme on Comparative Literature: Sharing Knowledge's for Preserving Cultural Diversity provides six different topics: 1. Language, literature and human sustainability; 2. Relationships among literature and other artistic activities and discourses ; 3. Comparative literature and other fields of knowledge; 4. Comparative literature, criticism and media ; 5. Comparative literature in the age of global change; 6. Translatio studii and cross-cultural movements or Weltverkehr.
These three volumes are aimed at a wide spectrum of audiences: University and College Students, Educators and Research Personnel.
Editor(s) Biography
Lisa Block de Behar is professor of Communication Analysis at the Universidad de la República (Uruguay). She earned a Ph. D. in Language and Literature at the École des Hautes Études (France) and is the author, among others books, of Medios, pantallas y otros lugares communes (Katz, 2009); Jules Laforgue ou les métaphores du déplacement (L’Harmattan, 2004); Borges. The Passion of a Endless Quotation (Suny, 2002) and A Rhetoric of Silence and Other Selected Writings (Mouton, 1995). She was awarded a Humboldt Prize in 2001.
Paola Mildonian, Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia, Venezia, Italy
Jean-Michel Djian, University of Paris 8, France
Djelal Kadir, Department of Comparative Literature, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA, USA
Alfons Knauth, Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany
Dolores Romero Lopez, Universidad of Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Márcio Seligmann Silva, University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil